Commission and Fees

(A) Trade-related

Brokerage Commission Commission Negotiable
Transaction Levy 0.0027% of transaction amount
Investor Compensation Levy 0.002% of transaction amount (waived)
Trading Fee 0.00565% of transaction amount
Stamp Duty 0.1% of transaction amount (round up to the nearest dollar)
CCASS Fee 0.002% of transaction amount (min HK$ 2 & max. HK$100 per transaction)
Multi-counter Transfer Instruction HK$ 25 per instruction
AFRC Transaction Levy 0.00015% of transaction amount (round up to the nearest cent)
Italian Financial Transaction Tax (“IFTT”) & Handling Charge 0.2% of transaction amount + HK$ 500 per transaction
Compulsory Shares Buy-Back HK$ 300 per transaction, plus fees collected by CCASS & HKEx

(B) IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)

Handling fee (Cash application) HK$ 30 per application
Handling fee (Margin application) HK$ 100 per application
Deposit Charge (For successful allotted shares) HK$ 3 per board lot (min. HK$ 20 per transaction)

(C) Stock Options

Brokerage Commission Commission Negotiable (min. HK$ 125 per transaction)
Options Assignment Fee Fees as stated in Part A
Trading Tariff Tier 1 - HK$ 3 per lot; Tier 2 - HK$ 1 per lot; Tier 3 - HK$ 0.5 per lot

(D) Scrip Handling and Settlement-related

CCASS Stock Clearing Fee HK$ 1 per input for SI and ISI transactions (waived)
Physical Scrip Withdrawal HK$ 5 per board lot (min. charge HK$ 30 per transaction)
Stock Withdrawal (through CCASS) For SI: HK$ 200 per stock per transaction
For ISI: HK$ 200 per stock per transaction
IP Account Settlement Fee HK$ 10 per stock per transaction

(E) Account Maintenance

Custodial Services CCASS charges HK$ 0.012 per board lot per month (waived)
Inactive Account Fee HK$ 100 semi-annual

(F) Nominee Services and Corporate Actions

Scrip Registration Fee HK$ 3 per board lot
Rights Subscriptions or Warrants Conversions HK$ 1 per board lot (min. HK$ 20)
Collection of Dividends
• Cash Dividend
• Scrip Dividend

0.5% of dividend collected or min. HK$ 20 per collection
HK$ 1 per board lot or min. HK$ 20 per collection (over HK$ 2,500 negotiable)
Cash Offer 0.5% of cash received or min. HK$ 20 (over HK$ 2,500 negotiable)
Proxy Voting / Apply for Attending Shareholder Meeting HK$ 50 per stock per order
Handling Charge for Unclaimed Entitlement HK$ 300 per stock per distribution

(G) Financing Charges and Others Miscellaneous Charges

Cash Account Overdue Interest Prime rate plus 3%
Stop Payment Charge for Cheque HK$ 300
Copies of Paid Cheque from Bank HK$ 100
Returned Cheque HK$ 200
Copies of Transaction HK$ 100 per sheet
Paper Statement by Post HK$ 100 per annum
Reprint of Daily Statement (over 1 month) HK$ 50 (per day)
Reprint of Monthly Statement (over 3 months) HK$ 80 (per month)
Stock Segregated Account with Statement Service HK$ 300 per annum
Confirmation for Audit Purposes HK$ 200 per confirmation request
(Effective date : 15 July 2024)

** The above charges are subject to revision from time to time without prior notice. For further enquiries, please contact our Credit Control & Client Administration Department at 2853 0111.

(A) Trade-related

Brokerage Commission Commission Negotiable
SSE/SZSE Handling Fee
0.00341% of transaction amount
0.004% of transaction amount
CSRC Securities Management Fee
0.002% of transaction amount
ETFs Waived
Transfer Fee
0.003% of transaction amount (0.001% charged by ChinaClear and 0.002% charged by HKSCC)
0.002% of transaction amount (charged by HKSCC)
SAT Stamp Duty
0.05% of transaction amount (applicable to sell trade only)
ETFs Waived
Portfolio Fee Waived

(B) Scrip Handling and Settlement-related

Stock Withdrawal (through CCASS) For SI: CNY200 per stock per transaction

(C) Nominee Services and Corporate Actions

Scrip Registration Fee CNY3 per board lot
Rights Subscriptions or Warrants Conversions CNY1 per board lot (min. CNY20)
Collection of Dividends
• Cash Dividend
• Scrip Dividend

0.5% of dividend collected or minimum charge CNY20 per collection
CNY 1 per board lot or min. CNY 20 per collection (over CNY 2,500 negotiable)
Cash Offer 0.5% of cash received or minimum charge CNY20 (over CNY2,500 negotiable)
Proxy Voting / Apply for Attending Shareholder Meeting CNY50 per stock per instruction
Handling Charge for Unclaimed Entitlement CNY300 per stock per distribution
(Effective date : 22 November 2023)

** The above charges are subject to revision from time to time without prior notice. For further enquiries, please contact our Credit Control & Client Administration Department at 2853 0111.

For details of other commission and fees, please contact our Credit Control & Client Administration Department at 2853 0111.