Launch of the Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime
(with effect from 20 March 2023)

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) will introduce an investor identification regime (HKIDR) at trading level for the securities market in Hong Kong and an over-the-counter securities transaction reporting regime (OTCR) for shares listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK).

Under the HKIDR, customers are required to provide their written consent to be assigned a unique Broker-Client Assigned Number (BCAN) so as to enable Wocom to provide to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) together with their Client Identification Data (CID), including customer’s name, identity document number, type and place of issue for processing their securities orders. Separately, under the OTCR, information about OTC securities transactions in ordinary shares and real estate investment trusts listed on SEHK as well as deposits and withdrawals of physical share certificates will be reported to the SFC.

Customers who have not provided this consent will still be able to sell/withdraw their securities but will not be able to purchase/deposit securities.

For details, please refer to SFC website.

In order not to affect your subsequent purchase or deposit of Hong Kong stocks, we strongly recommend you to submit the Personal Information Collection Statement as soon as possible.